If you are in need of therapy and my fee is out of reach, you may want to contact a sliding scale psychotherapy agency:
The Wright Institute Clinic: The Wright Institute Clinic offers a sliding scale fee based on income and family size. The therapists are psychology trainees under the supervision senior clinicians. You can reach their intake line at (510) 548-9716 or visit https://www.wi.edu/wi-clinical-services-wi-clinic.
The Women’s Therapy Center: Women’s Therapy Center therapists are advanced or post-graduate students working toward licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist, Clinical Social Worker, or Psychologist and re supervised by faculty clinicians. The scale ranges from $25-$110 for individuals and $40-$125 for couples. To request a counseling appointment call the Counseling Request Line at 510-524-8288. You can learn more at http://womenstherapy.org/client-services.
The Psychotherapy Institute: Psychotherapy sessions at TPI are provided by post-graduate therapists training under the supervision of licensed, senior clinicians. Therapy sessions at the clinic are assessed on a sliding fee scale that is based on family size and income. You and your therapist will work together to set the appropriate fee for you. To talk to somebody about scheduling an apppointment, call 510-548-2250, press 1 and leave a message expressing your interest or visit https://www.tpi-berkeley.org/clinic/starting-therapy.